Lightroom 5 - Finale Version verfügbar

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    • Lightroom 5 - Finale Version verfügbar

      die finale Version von LR5 ist wohl jetzt verfügbar und kann heruntergeladen werden.

      Bei dem Update Preis von ~ 72€ werde ich wohl aber erst einmal abwarten, was denn so über darüber berichtet wird.
      Einen richtigen Update Druck wie z.B. bei LR3 zu LR 4 verspüre ich noch nicht
      Schöne Jross



      Die Universalfrage nach Art.9 "Wat soll dä Käu?"


      Mein Flickr Fotostream
    • Scheint ja doch noch einige Probleme mit der finalen Version zugeben..
      Zitat vom Adobe Blog:…room-5-now-available.html

      Known Issues

      - Fullscreen Mode does not show the next image in your selection. This occurs only when you have selected a series of images before entering Fullscreen mode.
      -Video playback is not currently supported in Fullscreen mode.
      - There is no error message informing that offline photos and videos are not exported to slideshows.
      - The slide after a video clip is often not shown. This only occurs when using the Manual Slideshow feature.
      - Custom slideshow templates will default to 480×270 on export. This only impacts custom slideshow templates created in previous versions of Lightroom.
      - The slideshow appears as a black screen occasionally. This only occurs when a video file is chosen as the first slide.
      - Star ratings cannot be applied while previewing or viewing a Slideshow.
      - Deleting a book in the Book Module may occasionally cause another book to disappear.
      - XMP metadata changes are not automatically written to file when the original file is offline.
      - Canon cameras are not detected when using Tethered Capture in Windows 8. This only occurs on Windows 8.
      - Offline photos go missing from Lightroom when moving folder of images to a different volume.
      - GPS metadata on videos created on an Apple iPhone is not imported.
      - Basic metadata is not imported with video files. This only occurs when imported directly from the camera. As a workaround, please copy the files from camera to your harddrive and then import into Lightroom.
      - When utilizing the “Merge to HDR” feature with Photoshop, the resulting HDR image contains metadata from the last selected photo.
      - Photos adjusted using Process Version 2003 incorrectly display a “Post Crop Vignette: Paint Overlay” History step. Selecting a subsequent History State can reset existing settings that follow that state in the History panel. This reset cannot be undone, effectively deleting any settings that have been applied after the selected History State. This only occurs with images adjusted in PV2003.
      - Images exported at less than 1/3 of their original size may not retain Output Sharpening and Noise Reduction settings.

      Also wirklich noch was warten mit dem Update... :biggrin_1:
      Schöne Jross



      Die Universalfrage nach Art.9 "Wat soll dä Käu?"


      Mein Flickr Fotostream
    • Auch wenn einiges an LR 5 zu bemängeln ist, habe ich mir eben die 30 Tage Version herunter geladen.
      Wenn ich die Tage Zeit habe, werde ich sie instllieren. Mal sehen ob sich der Umstieg lohnt.

      Hat hier schon jemand LR 5 auf der Platte und kann berichten?

      Jeder, der sich die Fähigkeit erhält, Schönes zu erkennen, wird nie alt werden. (Franz Kafka)
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